Lute Kamstra
2005-02-08 22:44:35 UTC
While loading texinfo.tex (version 4.8), I get:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function LaTeX-add-environments)
LaTeX-add-environments(("epsffig" LaTeX-env-epsffigure))
#[nil "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ&.ÔÕ!." [TeX-add-symbols ("epsfsize" TeX-arg-epsfsize) ("epsffile" TeX-arg-file) ("epsfbox" TeX-arg-file) "epsflly" "epsfury" "testit" "epsfgetlitbb" "epsfnormal" "epsfgetbb" "other" "epsfsetgraph" "PsFragSpecialArgs" "epsfaux" "testit" "epsfgrab" "epsfllx" "epsflly" "epsfury" "epsfverbosetrue" LaTeX-add-environments ("epsffig" LaTeX-env-epsffigure)] 20]()
funcall(#[nil "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ&.ÔÕ!." [TeX-add-symbols ("epsfsize" TeX-arg-epsfsize) ("epsffile" TeX-arg-file) ("epsfbox" TeX-arg-file) "epsflly" "epsfury" "testit" "epsfgetlitbb" "epsfnormal" "epsfgetbb" "other" "epsfsetgraph" "PsFragSpecialArgs" "epsfaux" "testit" "epsfgrab" "epsfllx" "epsflly" "epsfury" "epsfverbosetrue" LaTeX-add-environments ("epsffig" LaTeX-env-epsffigure)] 20])
mapcar(funcall (#[nil "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ&.ÔÕ!." [TeX-add-symbols ... ... ... "epsflly" "epsfury" "testit" "epsfgetlitbb" "epsfnormal" "epsfgetbb" "other" "epsfsetgraph" "PsFragSpecialArgs" "epsfaux" "testit" "epsfgrab" "epsfllx" "epsflly" "epsfury" "epsfverbosetrue" LaTeX-add-environments ...] 20]))
(if (TeX-member style TeX-active-styles (quote string-equal)) nil (setq TeX-active-styles (cons style TeX-active-styles)) (TeX-load-style style) (if (string-match "\\`\\(.+[/\\]\\)\\([^/\\]*\\)\\'" style) (setq style ...)) (mapcar (quote funcall) (cdr-safe ...)))
(lambda (style) (if (TeX-member style TeX-active-styles ...) nil (setq TeX-active-styles ...) (TeX-load-style style) (if ... ...) (mapcar ... ...)))("epsf")
mapcar((lambda (style) (if (TeX-member style TeX-active-styles ...) nil (setq TeX-active-styles ...) (TeX-load-style style) (if ... ...) (mapcar ... ...))) ("plain" "texinfo" "pdfcolor" "epsf" "txi-"))
TeX-run-style-hooks("plain" "texinfo" "pdfcolor" "epsf" "txi-")
apply(TeX-run-style-hooks ("plain" "texinfo" "pdfcolor" "epsf" "txi-"))
(if value (apply add value))
(let ((value ...) (add ...)) (if value (apply add value)))
TeX-auto-apply-entry((styles TeX-auto-file TeX-run-style-hooks))
mapcar(TeX-auto-apply-entry (("symbol" TeX-auto-symbol TeX-add-symbols TeX-symbol-list TeX-symbol-changed) (styles TeX-auto-file TeX-run-style-hooks)))
(if (and TeX-parse-self (null ...)) (TeX-auto-apply))
(if (or (and ... ...) (and ... TeX-style-hook-applied-p)) nil (setq TeX-style-hook-applied-p t) (message "Applying style hooks...") (TeX-run-style-hooks (TeX-strip-extension nil nil t)) (if (or ... ...) (TeX-run-style-hooks ...)) (if (and TeX-parse-self ...) (TeX-auto-apply)) (message "Applying style hooks... done"))
(unless (or (and ... ...) (and ... TeX-style-hook-applied-p)) (setq TeX-style-hook-applied-p t) (message "Applying style hooks...") (TeX-run-style-hooks (TeX-strip-extension nil nil t)) (if (or ... ...) (TeX-run-style-hooks ...)) (if (and TeX-parse-self ...) (TeX-auto-apply)) (message "Applying style hooks... done"))
(lambda nil (unless (file-exists-p ...) (TeX-master-file nil nil t)) (TeX-update-style))()
after-find-file(nil t)
find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer texinfo.tex> "/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" nil nil "/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" (185677 775))
find-file-noselect("/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" nil nil t)
find-file("/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" t)
Emacs : GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.4.14)
of 2005-02-06 on pijl
Package: AUCTeX 11.55
current state:
window-system 'x
LaTeX-version "2e"
TeX-style-path '("style/" "auto/" "/home/lute/cwi-tex/style/"
"/soft/software/cvs/share/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/auctex/style/" "/soft/software/cvs/var/auctex/")
TeX-auto-save t
TeX-parse-self t
TeX-master nil
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function LaTeX-add-environments)
LaTeX-add-environments(("epsffig" LaTeX-env-epsffigure))
#[nil "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ&.ÔÕ!." [TeX-add-symbols ("epsfsize" TeX-arg-epsfsize) ("epsffile" TeX-arg-file) ("epsfbox" TeX-arg-file) "epsflly" "epsfury" "testit" "epsfgetlitbb" "epsfnormal" "epsfgetbb" "other" "epsfsetgraph" "PsFragSpecialArgs" "epsfaux" "testit" "epsfgrab" "epsfllx" "epsflly" "epsfury" "epsfverbosetrue" LaTeX-add-environments ("epsffig" LaTeX-env-epsffigure)] 20]()
funcall(#[nil "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ&.ÔÕ!." [TeX-add-symbols ("epsfsize" TeX-arg-epsfsize) ("epsffile" TeX-arg-file) ("epsfbox" TeX-arg-file) "epsflly" "epsfury" "testit" "epsfgetlitbb" "epsfnormal" "epsfgetbb" "other" "epsfsetgraph" "PsFragSpecialArgs" "epsfaux" "testit" "epsfgrab" "epsfllx" "epsflly" "epsfury" "epsfverbosetrue" LaTeX-add-environments ("epsffig" LaTeX-env-epsffigure)] 20])
mapcar(funcall (#[nil "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ&.ÔÕ!." [TeX-add-symbols ... ... ... "epsflly" "epsfury" "testit" "epsfgetlitbb" "epsfnormal" "epsfgetbb" "other" "epsfsetgraph" "PsFragSpecialArgs" "epsfaux" "testit" "epsfgrab" "epsfllx" "epsflly" "epsfury" "epsfverbosetrue" LaTeX-add-environments ...] 20]))
(if (TeX-member style TeX-active-styles (quote string-equal)) nil (setq TeX-active-styles (cons style TeX-active-styles)) (TeX-load-style style) (if (string-match "\\`\\(.+[/\\]\\)\\([^/\\]*\\)\\'" style) (setq style ...)) (mapcar (quote funcall) (cdr-safe ...)))
(lambda (style) (if (TeX-member style TeX-active-styles ...) nil (setq TeX-active-styles ...) (TeX-load-style style) (if ... ...) (mapcar ... ...)))("epsf")
mapcar((lambda (style) (if (TeX-member style TeX-active-styles ...) nil (setq TeX-active-styles ...) (TeX-load-style style) (if ... ...) (mapcar ... ...))) ("plain" "texinfo" "pdfcolor" "epsf" "txi-"))
TeX-run-style-hooks("plain" "texinfo" "pdfcolor" "epsf" "txi-")
apply(TeX-run-style-hooks ("plain" "texinfo" "pdfcolor" "epsf" "txi-"))
(if value (apply add value))
(let ((value ...) (add ...)) (if value (apply add value)))
TeX-auto-apply-entry((styles TeX-auto-file TeX-run-style-hooks))
mapcar(TeX-auto-apply-entry (("symbol" TeX-auto-symbol TeX-add-symbols TeX-symbol-list TeX-symbol-changed) (styles TeX-auto-file TeX-run-style-hooks)))
(if (and TeX-parse-self (null ...)) (TeX-auto-apply))
(if (or (and ... ...) (and ... TeX-style-hook-applied-p)) nil (setq TeX-style-hook-applied-p t) (message "Applying style hooks...") (TeX-run-style-hooks (TeX-strip-extension nil nil t)) (if (or ... ...) (TeX-run-style-hooks ...)) (if (and TeX-parse-self ...) (TeX-auto-apply)) (message "Applying style hooks... done"))
(unless (or (and ... ...) (and ... TeX-style-hook-applied-p)) (setq TeX-style-hook-applied-p t) (message "Applying style hooks...") (TeX-run-style-hooks (TeX-strip-extension nil nil t)) (if (or ... ...) (TeX-run-style-hooks ...)) (if (and TeX-parse-self ...) (TeX-auto-apply)) (message "Applying style hooks... done"))
(lambda nil (unless (file-exists-p ...) (TeX-master-file nil nil t)) (TeX-update-style))()
after-find-file(nil t)
find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer texinfo.tex> "/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" nil nil "/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" (185677 775))
find-file-noselect("/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" nil nil t)
find-file("/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" t)
Emacs : GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.4.14)
of 2005-02-06 on pijl
Package: AUCTeX 11.55
current state:
window-system 'x
LaTeX-version "2e"
TeX-style-path '("style/" "auto/" "/home/lute/cwi-tex/style/"
"/soft/software/cvs/share/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/auctex/style/" "/soft/software/cvs/var/auctex/")
TeX-auto-save t
TeX-parse-self t
TeX-master nil