void-function LaTeX-add-environments while loading texinfo.tex.
Lute Kamstra
2005-02-08 22:44:35 UTC
While loading texinfo.tex (version 4.8), I get:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function LaTeX-add-environments)
LaTeX-add-environments(("epsffig" LaTeX-env-epsffigure))
#[nil "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ&.ˆÔÕ!." [TeX-add-symbols ("epsfsize" TeX-arg-epsfsize) ("epsffile" TeX-arg-file) ("epsfbox" TeX-arg-file) "epsflly" "epsfury" "testit" "epsfgetlitbb" "epsfnormal" "epsfgetbb" "other" "epsfsetgraph" "PsFragSpecialArgs" "epsfaux" "testit" "epsfgrab" "epsfllx" "epsflly" "epsfury" "epsfverbosetrue" LaTeX-add-environments ("epsffig" LaTeX-env-epsffigure)] 20]()
funcall(#[nil "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ&.ˆÔÕ!." [TeX-add-symbols ("epsfsize" TeX-arg-epsfsize) ("epsffile" TeX-arg-file) ("epsfbox" TeX-arg-file) "epsflly" "epsfury" "testit" "epsfgetlitbb" "epsfnormal" "epsfgetbb" "other" "epsfsetgraph" "PsFragSpecialArgs" "epsfaux" "testit" "epsfgrab" "epsfllx" "epsflly" "epsfury" "epsfverbosetrue" LaTeX-add-environments ("epsffig" LaTeX-env-epsffigure)] 20])
mapcar(funcall (#[nil "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓ&.ˆÔÕ!." [TeX-add-symbols ... ... ... "epsflly" "epsfury" "testit" "epsfgetlitbb" "epsfnormal" "epsfgetbb" "other" "epsfsetgraph" "PsFragSpecialArgs" "epsfaux" "testit" "epsfgrab" "epsfllx" "epsflly" "epsfury" "epsfverbosetrue" LaTeX-add-environments ...] 20]))
(if (TeX-member style TeX-active-styles (quote string-equal)) nil (setq TeX-active-styles (cons style TeX-active-styles)) (TeX-load-style style) (if (string-match "\\`\\(.+[/\\]\\)\\([^/\\]*\\)\\'" style) (setq style ...)) (mapcar (quote funcall) (cdr-safe ...)))
(lambda (style) (if (TeX-member style TeX-active-styles ...) nil (setq TeX-active-styles ...) (TeX-load-style style) (if ... ...) (mapcar ... ...)))("epsf")
mapcar((lambda (style) (if (TeX-member style TeX-active-styles ...) nil (setq TeX-active-styles ...) (TeX-load-style style) (if ... ...) (mapcar ... ...))) ("plain" "texinfo" "pdfcolor" "epsf" "txi-"))
TeX-run-style-hooks("plain" "texinfo" "pdfcolor" "epsf" "txi-")
apply(TeX-run-style-hooks ("plain" "texinfo" "pdfcolor" "epsf" "txi-"))
(if value (apply add value))
(let ((value ...) (add ...)) (if value (apply add value)))
TeX-auto-apply-entry((styles TeX-auto-file TeX-run-style-hooks))
mapcar(TeX-auto-apply-entry (("symbol" TeX-auto-symbol TeX-add-symbols TeX-symbol-list TeX-symbol-changed) (styles TeX-auto-file TeX-run-style-hooks)))
(if (and TeX-parse-self (null ...)) (TeX-auto-apply))
(if (or (and ... ...) (and ... TeX-style-hook-applied-p)) nil (setq TeX-style-hook-applied-p t) (message "Applying style hooks...") (TeX-run-style-hooks (TeX-strip-extension nil nil t)) (if (or ... ...) (TeX-run-style-hooks ...)) (if (and TeX-parse-self ...) (TeX-auto-apply)) (message "Applying style hooks... done"))
(unless (or (and ... ...) (and ... TeX-style-hook-applied-p)) (setq TeX-style-hook-applied-p t) (message "Applying style hooks...") (TeX-run-style-hooks (TeX-strip-extension nil nil t)) (if (or ... ...) (TeX-run-style-hooks ...)) (if (and TeX-parse-self ...) (TeX-auto-apply)) (message "Applying style hooks... done"))
(lambda nil (unless (file-exists-p ...) (TeX-master-file nil nil t)) (TeX-update-style))()
after-find-file(nil t)
find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer texinfo.tex> "/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" nil nil "/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" (185677 775))
find-file-noselect("/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" nil nil t)
find-file("/soft/careful/emacs/man/texinfo.tex" t)

Emacs : GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.4.14)
of 2005-02-06 on pijl
Package: AUCTeX 11.55

current state:
window-system 'x
LaTeX-version "2e"
TeX-style-path '("style/" "auto/" "/home/lute/cwi-tex/style/"
"/soft/software/cvs/share/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/auctex/style/" "/soft/software/cvs/var/auctex/")
TeX-auto-save t
TeX-parse-self t
TeX-master nil
Ralf Angeli
2005-02-09 12:00:50 UTC
Post by Lute Kamstra
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function LaTeX-add-environments)
LaTeX-add-environments(("epsffig" LaTeX-env-epsffigure))
Post by Lute Kamstra
TeX-run-style-hooks("plain" "texinfo" "pdfcolor" "epsf" "txi-")
texinfo.tex is regarded as a plain TeX file. It loads epsf.tex for
which an AUCTeX style file exists. This style file tries to add
"epsffig" to the list of known LaTeX environments but fails because
latex.el is not loaded.

The error can be prevented by calling `LaTeX-add-environments' only if
it is actually defined. But looking at `LaTeX-env-epsffigure' in
style/epsf.el I'd rather get rid of that function completely. It
duplicates a lot of the functionality and code of `LaTeX-env-figure'
and leads to unnecessary maintenance efforts. For example the patch
for `LaTeX-env-figure' I sent in response to Frank's last error report
would have to be applied there as well. It inserts a "center"
environment instead of "\centering" etc. etc. I guess epsf.tex is
pretty much superseded by graphicx.sty and friends anyway, right? In
that case it probably wouldn't hurt to remove that function. Any