Sebastian Luque
2005-01-19 15:28:34 UTC
Thanks to Ralf Angeli for replying to this message, which I'm resending
through auctex's bug reporting function, as per his request.
Since upgrading to auctex 11.54, I receive the following message in the
*Compile Log* buffer:
** reference to free variable minor-mode-list
whenever I open some of my LaTeX files. I'm affraid that as the message
appears when these files are opened, I cannot identify which lines in the
files are causing the message to pop up.
Emacs : GNU Emacs 21.3.1 (i386-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)
of 2004-10-16 on raven, modified by Debian
Package: AUCTeX 11.54
current state:
window-system 'x
LaTeX-version "2e"
TeX-style-path '("style/" "auto/" "/usr/share/emacs21/site-lisp/auctex/style/"
TeX-auto-save nil
TeX-parse-self nil
TeX-master t
through auctex's bug reporting function, as per his request.
Since upgrading to auctex 11.54, I receive the following message in the
*Compile Log* buffer:
** reference to free variable minor-mode-list
whenever I open some of my LaTeX files. I'm affraid that as the message
appears when these files are opened, I cannot identify which lines in the
files are causing the message to pop up.
Emacs : GNU Emacs 21.3.1 (i386-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)
of 2004-10-16 on raven, modified by Debian
Package: AUCTeX 11.54
current state:
window-system 'x
LaTeX-version "2e"
TeX-style-path '("style/" "auto/" "/usr/share/emacs21/site-lisp/auctex/style/"
TeX-auto-save nil
TeX-parse-self nil
TeX-master t