Help requested in setting up auctex.
Sharon Kimble
2005-03-15 20:40:44 UTC
I'm using GNU emacs 21.3.1 [the stock build with Fedora Core 3] and I
have installed auctex-emacs-11.54-2.fedora.noarch.rpm as
auctex-emacs-11.55-1.fedora.noarch.rpm complained about a conflict with

I have this in my .emacs;-
  (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/")
    (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/")
and later
(require 'tex-site)
;;(require 'tex)
;;(require 'latex)
(setq TeX-auto-save t)
     (setq TeX-parse-self t)
     (setq-default TeX-master nil)
but when I load in testy.tex [built with kile] and as follows;-

\title{just a test}
\author{Sharon Kimble}



what goes here? can you tell me?
This is purely a play-around file, one of my normal testing-type docs just to
see how it all works. Or doesn't work.\subsection{}
So, what does this do? Hey, this is lookign pretty good.\\
And this?

I'm expecting a latex-type menu to show in the main menus, but nothing shows.

Is my expectation wrong, or is there something I'm missing in my setup please?

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Ralf Angeli
2005-03-15 21:22:38 UTC
Post by Sharon Kimble
I'm using GNU emacs 21.3.1 [the stock build with Fedora Core 3] and I
have installed auctex-emacs-11.54-2.fedora.noarch.rpm as
auctex-emacs-11.55-1.fedora.noarch.rpm complained about a conflict with
AUCTeX 11.54 has an ugly bug related to filling which will insert
unwanted whitespace in your file. It would be better to get rid of
the outdated Emacspeak package in install AUCTeX 11.55. You might
also want to have look at the release notes of AUCTeX 11.55.
Post by Sharon Kimble
I have this in my .emacs;-
  (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/")
    (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/")
AFAICT this should not be necessary.
Post by Sharon Kimble
but when I load in testy.tex [built with kile] and as follows;-
Post by Sharon Kimble
I'm expecting a latex-type menu to show in the main menus, but nothing shows.
Is my expectation wrong, or is there something I'm missing in my setup please?
It is likely that there is an error during startup. You could start
Emacs with `emacs --debug-init' and/or put

(setq debug-on-error t)

as the first line into your init file and see if you get a backtrace
after restarting Emacs and loading a LaTeX file.
Sharon Kimble
2005-03-15 21:37:23 UTC
Post by Ralf Angeli
Post by Sharon Kimble
I'm using GNU emacs 21.3.1 [the stock build with Fedora Core 3] and I
have installed auctex-emacs-11.54-2.fedora.noarch.rpm as
auctex-emacs-11.55-1.fedora.noarch.rpm complained about a conflict with
AUCTeX 11.54 has an ugly bug related to filling which will insert
unwanted whitespace in your file. It would be better to get rid of
the outdated Emacspeak package in install AUCTeX 11.55. You might
also want to have look at the release notes of AUCTeX 11.55.
I did 'yum remove emacspeak' and then using yum I installed 11.55
which I'd already downloaded.
Post by Ralf Angeli
Post by Sharon Kimble
I have this in my .emacs;-
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/")
AFAICT this should not be necessary.
I've commented out these two lines now.
Post by Ralf Angeli
Post by Sharon Kimble
but when I load in testy.tex [built with kile] and as follows;-
Post by Sharon Kimble
I'm expecting a latex-type menu to show in the main menus, but nothing shows.
Is my expectation wrong, or is there something I'm missing in my setup please?
It is likely that there is an error during startup. You could start
Emacs with `emacs --debug-init' and/or put
(setq debug-on-error t)
as the first line into your init file and see if you get a backtrace
after restarting Emacs and loading a LaTeX file.
Thanks Ralf. I put the 'setq' into my .emacs, restarted it and then
loaded 'testy.tex' and its come up with dolouration of the commands
and the latex menu. Problem now solved, thank you.

