syntax highlighting docs
Silvio Levy
2005-03-06 18:04:37 UTC
Hi, I'd like to thank you for AUCTeX, which I started using
recently after 15 years of using latex and emacs.

I use it for the syntax highlighting and the ability to compile
a tex document with two keystrokes.

I wanted to add some latex keywords of my own (which I use a lot)
to the syntax tables. For instance, \fullref should behave like \ref
and \pageref

Per the documentation I tried M-x customize-group <RET> font-latex but
this said "no match"; later in the same session (after I edited a
latex file, perhaps?) I was able to run this command, but all attempts
at changing the variables failed with the message "Attempt to change
text outside editable field" (though I had the emacs cursor ("point")
right on top of the [Show] ).

After several futile attempts at finding and setting variables
directly (which had no effect) I finally grepped for "pageref" in the
AUCTeX .el files, and hacked the font-latex.el. This works, but is
not an elegant solution and I can't do it at my job, only at home.

Do you have any idea what may be going on with the customize-group

Many thanks,

Silvio Levy
Ralf Angeli
2005-03-07 11:11:34 UTC
Post by Silvio Levy
I wanted to add some latex keywords of my own (which I use a lot)
to the syntax tables. For instance, \fullref should behave like \ref
and \pageref
Per the documentation I tried M-x customize-group <RET> font-latex but
this said "no match"; later in the same session (after I edited a
latex file, perhaps?) I was able to run this command,
Yes, that's normal. When you start Emacs only a very small fraction
of AUCTeX will be loaded and only customization options of this
fraction will be available. AUCTeX's core, mode-specific files
etc. and their customization options will only be available after you
loaded a file requiring the respective features.
Post by Silvio Levy
but all attempts
at changing the variables failed with the message "Attempt to change
text outside editable field" (though I had the emacs cursor ("point")
right on top of the [Show] ).
What version of AUCTeX and Emacs did you use? You could use `M-x
TeX-submit-bug-report RET' next time which would provide this
information among others without you having to add this manually.

Additionally a description of what you did exactly (step by step)
would be helpful.

In case of the reference command you want to add, I can e.g. in Emacs
do `M-x customize-variable RET font-latex-match-reference-keywords
RET', click on [INS], add "fullref" (without the quotation marks) in
the gray area, click "State -> Save for Future Sessions" and after
restarting Emacs the \fullref macros will be highlighted.
Silvio Levy
2005-03-08 00:29:57 UTC
Dear Ralf,

Thanks for your response. Here is a more detailed report as you suggest.
The output of TeX-submit-bug-report is given below.

M-x customize-group <RET> font-latex-keywords <RET>

In buffer *Customize Group: Font Latex Keywords*
I see the following lines among others:

Font Latex Match Reference Keywords: [Show]
State: hidden, invoke "Show" in the previous line to show.
Font-latex keywords for reference face.

I move "point" to the [Show] and hit <RET> per instructions. I get
the bell and the message
Text is read-only: "Attempt to change text outside editable field"

Then I tried to follow the exact example you gave me:

M-x customize-variable RET font-latex-match-reference-keywords RET
When I go to INS and hit return, I get the same message:

Text is read-only: "Attempt to change text outside editable field"

Best wishes,



To: auc-***@sunsite.dk
Reply-to: ***@msri.org
--text follows this line--

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.

If the bug (or problem) is triggered by a specific (La)TeX
file, you should try to produce a minimal sample file showing the
problem and include it in your report.

Your bug report will be posted to the AUCTeX mailing list.

Emacs : GNU Emacs 21.3.1 (i386-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)
of 2004-10-16 on raven, modified by Debian
Package: AUCTeX 11.54

current state:
window-system nil
LaTeX-version "2e"
TeX-style-path '("style/" "auto/" "/u/levy/texts/bib/style/"
"/u/tex/bib/style/" "/u/levy/texts/macros/style/"
"/u/levy/texts/bib/auto/" "/u/tex/bib/auto/"
TeX-auto-save nil
TeX-parse-self nil
TeX-master t
